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   + 55 11 99434 3445              atendimento@palatinoamericana.com            

The Quilted Duck

Retail Pro® Proves Invaluable for Visually Impaired Retailer

“Retail Pro basically brought us into the 21st century,”

- Craig Feris, Owner of The Quilted Duck Gift Cottage and President of Seeds of Promise International Child Welfare

The Quilted Duck Gift Cottage is the type of store where the clerk knows your name and favorite color. The shop is the go-to place for the women of Nanaimo, British Columbia when they need a pick-me-up. The store’s owner, Craig Feris, cares about people and making people feel valued. Whether it’s buying inventory for the Quilted Duck or the work he does with his non-profit, Seeds of Promise, Feris’ bottom line is people.
Nanaimo, Canada
Retail Pro 8
Business Partner:
Customer Since:
All About Accessibility
Logotype for The Quilted Duck in large, caligraphy-esque light violet colors Craig Feris, owner of the Quilted Duck Gift Shop, had three specific accessibility concerns when he began to source the right retail management software for his shop. Feris is blind and finding software fully accessible for the visually impaired was paramount. Because the Retail Pro® interface is entirely configurable, the GUI was implemented as a text based solution, providing a seamless way for Feris to navigate the system using screen reading software. Feris also wanted retail management software with a low barrier of entry for users. The store manager of 20 years was not keen on the idea of a computerized system; prior to Retail Pro everything was written up by hand.

“After the first day of training she became the biggest Retail Pro fan in our company,” Ferris explained. “She raves about Retail Pro.” Feris was also concerned with accessibility from anywhere; traveling more often than not for his non-profit organization, Seeds of Promise, in Uganda, Feris needed the ability to check in on his shop in Canada from anywhere. Retail Pro’s near-real time reporting features help Feris manage his shop from Africa.
Stepping up Customer Service
Display of items on a wooden table including a small 3D-sign 'RELAX' sitting prominently on a desk Feris was very pleased with how efficient Retail Pro made his shop, allowing for better, more focused customer service. “The store manager knows everybody by name; it’s a sort of homey place. Retail Pro has helped enhance that,” Feris said. Because Retail Pro sped up transaction times so much, they were able to hire less seasonal associate over the holidays and still provide stellar customer service.
Built for Expansion
View of a very cozy, warm wooden shop interior with gifts and trinkets everywhere The Quilted Duck was just the beginning, Feris recently purchased Kimberley’s Ladies Fashion a clothing shop adjacent to the Quilted Duck. One of the reasons Feris chose Retail Pro was the robust technology ecosystem on which he could expand and grow. “There is so much within Retail Pro that we’re not currently using but I imagine we will as our business grows,” Feris said. Feris couldn’t be more pleased with the functionality and accessibility provided by Retail Pro. As a visually impaired business owner having the right tools to run a business makes all the difference in the world – quite literally in this case.


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