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Jump on the social media bandwagon to boost customer satisfaction, retention

Whether it pertains to online efforts or store operations, retailers know the importance of keeping customers satisfied. Offering poor experiences can result in declines in retention, as shoppers turn to competitors to get the products they want and the service the expect. Therefore, it is essential for merchants to ensure they are providing the best possible experiences for consumers.

One tactic that seems to be bringing in results for brands is engaging patrons through social media. A significant amount of people are on these networks, and while the sites started out as tools for connecting with other individuals, companies are increasingly using them to reach out to consumers, and social users are taking to the platforms to interact with retailers.

Social sites draw in customers
Internet Retailer reports that according to research from Janrain, consumers are using their Facebook details to log in to merchants' websites. Out of the sites managed by Janrain, 57 percent of shoppers used their Facebook information to access retailers' platforms during the first three months of the year. This is a jump from the 55 percent that did so in the fourth quarter of 2012 as well as the 43 percent in Q1 last year.

This is providing a variety of advantages to businesses, the news source states. By gathering the information from consumers' social profiles, brands can create more personalized marketing campaigns and learn more about what kinds of products customers are looking for. This wealth of data used to be hard to come by, but with the emergence of social media networks, retailers are now able to better connect with patrons and put more personalized elements into interactions, both in stores and online.

In a separate article, Internet Retailer reports that industry professional Warby Parker believes Twitter is playing an increasingly important role in how companies are communicating with consumers. Merchants that have yet to use the social site are risking losing customers, as feedback and opinions shared on the network provide valuable information for brands.

Best strategies for social media in the retail industry
So what are some effective techniques retailers can use to ensure their social strategies are successful? Retail Info Systems News recommends businesses assign a specialized team for social media tasks, such as updates and responding to customer interactions. In addition, implementing policies that outline appropriate behavior on the sites creates consistent messaging. 








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